Friday, February 28, 2020

Implementing Sustainability in Certain Profession Essay

Implementing Sustainability in Certain Profession - Essay Example For example, the pits that remains after minerals have been extracted should be manage effectively to ensure that people living around those areas are free from any form of hazard that could jeopardize their lives. Therefore, as a professional mining engineer at Maaden Company, my responsibilities will include but not limited to, carrying out skillful and comprehensive investigation on areas of minerals deposits. Secondly conducting profitability assessment in collaboration with economist and geologist to determine how mining activities can be carried out in a profitable manner. The third responsibility will involve utilization of information technology systems such as computers software’s to compute cost that will be incurred mining. In addition, the computers systems will be applied in the preparation of project management plan for mining purposes. For example, mining engineer will be responsible for preparing a plan that will include the following elements; underground mini ng operations, pits, haulage pathways and open cut-operations (Hartman, Howard and Jan, p.37). The mining engineer will further be responsible for coordinating Maaden company mining staff and resources in a manner that promote sustainable development. Mining engineer will further work in liaise with geological engineers in designing, selection and outsourcing necessary materials such as mining machines, power and water to be utilized in mining. In addition, mining engineer will oversee mining construction by establishing a first aid tools that will be utilized to emergencies research execution in order to promote sustainable development in the mining industry (Hartman, Howard and Jan, p.37). The impact of mining Engineering remains remarkable in business environment today. Whereby, proper and effective mining has been one of the major sources of revenue in most countries. For instance, oil and gold exporting countries tend to obtain substantial amount of income from the sale of thos e minerals. This has further led to numerous positive economic impacts such poverty, employment creation and increase in GDP. In addition, a new invention in mining engineering has significantly to operation efficiency. Current Sustainability Initiatives in Mining Industry Over the recent times, various sustainability programs have been established after mining professional being criticized by the community for causing adverse environmental impacts such as land and air pollution. Therefore, various mining companies came together to establish a program commonly known as Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD). The key drivers for this program include: corporation among mining departments in reviewing performance against sustainable development. Inclusion of sustainable development initiatives into law has made mining companies and community to be responsible towards ensuring a sustainable business environment (International Council of Mining, p.7). The Mining Mineral and S ustainability Development program (MMSD) has been able to achieve the following developments over the recent times: Major mining companies had embraced periodic performance reporting requirements based on the key principles of sustainable development. Whereby, mining firms and investors have become responsible in ensuring that there is conformity in reporting and assurance based on the sustainable development requirements. Sustainable programs have helped the society to realize that mining can

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Preparing to Conduct Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Preparing to Conduct Business - Essay Example ductivity as the cost of laying-off the tenured employees, as well as coping for the remaining or new managers in the newly-built structure of the company. Possible research questions for the scenario are: 1) Should the functions for each job description be adjusted to suit the new organizational structure? 2) How many tenured employees must be retained in order to keep the company working smoothly as before, and at the same time within the new structure’s limits? And 3) Would the gap between costs and profits after restructuring increase or decrease, as compared to the old structure, and by how much? Possible hypotheses, which can be either a null hypothesis (no difference between X and Y) or alternative hypothesis (X is better than Y, or vice versa) for the given scenario can be deduced using the example research questions stated above: 1) Ho: The old job descriptions can still be used for the new structure of the company. Ha: Job descriptions must be updated to suit the new organizational structure. 2) Ho: No need to hire more than 3% of the original employees since this is enough to both train the new hires and keep the organization going. Ha: Hiring at least 50% of the original employees would be enough to train the new hires and keep the organization sailing. 3) Ho: The gap between cost and profits would be the same as in the old structure. Ha: Gap between cost and profit can either be: cost is greater than profits, or profits are greater than cost. While business restructuring is a strategy usually undertaken by many companies to cut costs, there are many things to be considered before undertaking such a task (Zilka 13). In order to be able to maximize profits as well as the cuts in costs, the business must have a solid program as its foundation. There must be sufficient data, analytics as well as benchmarking in order to gauge the new program’s effectiveness (14). This would ensure that the new organizational structure would be able to save more and