Sunday, December 29, 2019

Company Profile Of Microsoft Corporation - 1251 Words

Company Profile Microsoft Corporation was founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico(Wikipedia, 2016). As of today, it is headquartered at Redmond, Washington. It specializes in designing, developing, licensing, and supporting software products, services, and devices worldwide (Yahoo! Finance, 2016). The Company operates in five segments: Devices and Consumer (DC) Licensing, DC Hardware, DC Other, Commercial Licensing, and Commercial Other (Rueters, 2016). Some of Microsoft’s products include smartphones, business professional software, and tablets which all run on its own current operating system: Windows 10. The Company also offers cloud-based solutions that provide customers with software,†¦show more content†¦Following many ups and downs, Microsoft has seized the momentum in the $37.4 billion console market with having sold 76 million Xbox 360s, and its 48 million subscribers on Xbox Live (Bass, 2013). As taking part in the eighth generat ion of gaming consoles, Microsoft have designed and developed another one of its own home gaming console: the Xbox One. The Xbox One is the successor of the Xbox 360 and is the third console in the Xbox family. It provides users with the same capabilities that were on the Xbox 360, but with improvements and enhancements that change the gaming and entertainment experience. Some of these changes include high definition gaming graphics and an improved Xbox Live experience. Five Years Financial Overview At end of year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Stock Price $26.00 $30.62 $34.75 $41.86 $44.46 Revenue 69,943,000,000 73,723,000,000 77,849,000,000 86,833,000,000 93,580,000,000 Profits 54,366,000,000 56,193,000,000 57,600,000,000 59,899,000,000 60,542,000,000 Profit Margin % 77.7% 76.2% 74.0% 70.0% 64.7% Growth Rate 8.5% 3.4% 2.5% 4.0% 1.1% (Source: Yahoo! Finance; Mergent, Inc.) In Microsoft’s five-year financial overview, profits have been steadily increasing. The stock price increase tells potential investors that the current shareholders are willing to buy Microsoft’s stocks than selling it. This shows that the shareholders believe that the company has a promising future, which will open doors to new innovations and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Summary Of Killing Hope By William Blum - 1935 Words

Heidi Michaud History 333 Prof. Mary Duncan 17 May, 2015 Examining U.S. Motivation in the Guatemalan Coup In William Blum’s Book, Killing Hope, Blum claims that the U.S. backed a CIA overthrow of the Guatemalan Government in 1954.. Blum challenges that the motivation for the coup was not based on a true belief that Guatemala’s President Jacobo Arbenz was leaning towards communism, and alludes to the the idea that the true motivation for the Coup was the threat to economic gains to The United Fruit Company. Research of the Coup shows that Blum is correct in that the United States was indeed behind the overthrow of Arbenz. However, Blum does not allow for doubt in that Arbenz’s social reforms and political actions could have truly appeared as communist to the United States. Although hindsight and time reveal the coup to be morally and politically wrong, it is valid to recognize that at that time in history,the actions of Guatemala’s President, coupled with private interests and radical beliefs about what constituted communism, could have sincerely convinced the U.S. government that there was a true communist threat in Guatemala. After World War II, the United States’ Cold War policy of Soviet Containment fostered a borderline hysterical fear of communism in America. This fear created an atmosphere of U.S. hypervigilance towards any actions that could appear remotely communist. â€Å"The U.S.-supported Coup in Guatemala was mostly a result of strong anti-CommunistShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesWhat Are Management Skills? 9 Improving Management Skills 12 An Approach to Skill Development 13 Leadership and Management 16 Contents of the Book 18 Organization of the Book 19 Practice and Application 21 Diversity and Individual Differences 21 Summary 23 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 24 Diagnostic Survey and Exercises 24 Personal Assessment of Management Skills (PAMS) 24 What Does It Take to Be an Effective Manager? 28 SSS Software In-Basket Exercise 30 SCORING KEY AND COMPARISON DATA 42 Personal AssessmentRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesNetworked Organizations 20 †¢ Helping Employees Balance Work–Life Conflicts 21 †¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 †¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 22 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women† 12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from FailureRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesDecentralized Work Sites 8 Skill Levels 8 A Legal Concern 8 Employee Involvement 20 How Organizations Involve Employees 20 Employee Involvement Implications for HRM 20 Other HRM Challenges 21 Recession 21 Off Shoring 21 Mergers 22 A Look at Ethics 22 Summary 23 Demonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 24 Key Terms 24 HRM Workshop 25 Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion Questions 25 Developing Diagnostic and Analytical Skills 25 Case 1: Work/Life Balance at Baxter 25 Working with a Team:

Friday, December 13, 2019

Complex Relationships in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights Free Essays

Wuthering Heights Essay Rewrite: Within the novel Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Bronte, readers are confronted with many complex relationships. At times it is hard to understand these due to the range of relationships that occur, from interactions of hatred to relationships that show true passion. One such complex relationship is between Hareton Earnshaw and Catherine. We will write a custom essay sample on Complex Relationships in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights or any similar topic only for you Order Now As the novel progresses, we see love develop between these two characters that is best explained by how they are brought together, the problems that their relationship poses and how this relationship affects the other characters in the novel and the plot of the novel itself. The first way to understand this relationship is to examine how these two characters are brought together. In the novel, there is a real sense that fate has a lot to do with the union between the lovers, as Catherine and Hareton are reunited at the symbolic Penistone Crags. Catherine has a burning desire to go to the crags, the symbol of maturity, natural erotic desire and wild temptation. She asks Nelly and her father â€Å"Now, am I old enough to go to Penistone Crags? †(Bronte 147) As Catherine reaches teenage years, she desires to travel outside of Thrushcross Grange and ascend the large Penistone Crags, which are close to Wuthering Heights and Hareton. Catherine and Hareton spend the whole day near the Crags until Nelly fetches them. Bronte then describes the interaction between Hareton and Catherine as joyful, describing that â€Å"Her hat was hung against the wall, and she seemed perfectly at home laughing and chattering, in best spirits imaginable, to Hareton, now a great, strong lad of eighteen, who stared at her with considerable curiosity and astonishment† ( Bronte 149). This quote shows how there is an underlying connection between them; Hareton and Catherine begin to show similar characteristics in their relationship that Heathcliff and Cathy had in theirs, and this foreshadows how the relationship will end up. The next interaction between the two is one day when Catherine meets Hareton and Heathcliff while on a stroll; Heathcliff makes it clear that Hareton is not his son. It is then insisted that she must come to Wuthering Heights to meet his son who she has met before, Linton. As Hareton and Catherine run off to play, Linton stays in seclusion as he is feeble and weak. The notion of Catherine running away with Hareton shows her natural tendencies and attraction for Hareton, because he allows her to be free and expressive. Ultimately, the two characters seem to be brought together by fate. In order for Hareton and Catherine to come together, they have to overcome many obstacles. The first problem that they run into is after Catherine is enlightened to the fact that Hareton is her cousin, she is disgusted by him. â€Å"†¦ she stopped and wept outright; upset at the bare notion of relationship with such a clown† (Bronte 152). This quote describes how Catherine thinks of Hareton as a peasant or a servant and this devastates Hareton. The next problem that their relationship has is that Catherine is being forcibly courted by Linton, at the hand of his father. Heathcliff will do anything in order to fulfill his revenge, and thus will do anything to push the marriage between Catherine and Linton. An example of this is when Heathcliff literally kidnaps Catherine and refuses to let her leave Wuthering Heights until she agrees to marry Linton. It is obvious that Heathcliff is a major problem, preventing the love between Catherine and Hareton from materializing. Catherine realizes that Linton is vastly more educated than Hareton and that she can live a more refined lifestyle with Linton. Linton causes Hareton to feel great shame about his social and educational standing. A prime example of this is when Hareton and Catherine have run off, and Linton finds them standing below the inscription carved above the door. As â€Å"Hareton scared up, and scratched his head like a true clown. ‘It’s some damnable writing,’ he answered. ‘I cannot read it’† (Bronte 169). And almost immediately Linton takes the opportunity to degrade him in front of Catherine, laughing at him and calling him a â€Å"colossal dunce† (Bronte 170). This is the moment where Catherine seems to push away from Hareton, and lean towards Linton. Also not helping the situation is the declining health of Linton, as this draws Catherine more emotionally towards Linton and it completely devastates her. Bronte expresses through Nelly that â€Å"I couldn’t bear to witness her sorrow, to see her pale, dejected countenance, and heavy eyes† (Bronte 181). All the while, Hareton is barely mentioned, and later revealed that he has been teaching himself to read and write his own name, in an attempt to impress Catherine. As Hareton correctly identifies his name, he still cannot read the numbers, which causes Catherine to â€Å"laugh heartily at his failure† and triggers the hot headed Hareton to â€Å"skull off† (Bronte 191). They are falling for each other, but there is a constant bickering between them due to Hareton’s lack of education—as he is not as accomplished as Linton. The deep burning desire to be together seems to be blocked by any and every character and event in the novel, yet the connection between Hareton and Catherine is easy to see. The final way to understand this relationship is to understand how it affects the characters in the play and how it drives the plot forward. Throughout the novel there had always been a sense that the relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff never died. And this relationship is kept alive by Hareton and Catherine. Whenever Heathcliff looks are Hareton, he sees Cathy, and it drives him insane, and this is a problem because Heathcliff’s motivation in life was to get revenge on the Linton family. This revenge is what propelled the novel forward, and when Heathcliff sees that Hareton and Catherine are happy, things within him click and he no longer desires to fulfill his plans. â€Å"†¦his society is no benefit, rather an aggravation of the constant torment that I suffer and it partly contributes to render me regardless how he and his cousin go together. I can give them no attention, anymore† (Bronte 248). This quote shows how Heathcliff no longer wants to give attention to his plans of revenge, because Hareton and Catherine are happy. This helps understand their relationship because even though Heathcliff was the mastermind behind everything, they were still able to find love and be happy, something that Heathcliff was never able to do with Cathy. It is as though the relationship was destined to happen, to fulfill not only the lives of Hareton and Catherine, but the souls of Heathcliff and Cathy. Even though the relationship between Hareton and Cathy was hard to understand, an explanation for their love can be made by examining the interactions them and characters in the novel and the overall plot of the story. This relationship served as an the final chapter to a cycle of revenge that Heathcliff started by showing him that even under pressure love can prevail. The complex relationship between Hareton and Catherine ultimately expelled the tension between the two estates and rid Heathcliff of his vengeful plots. Overall, this relationship was exemplified by how fate dictated their love, their interactions and their representation for a love of a previous generation. How to cite Complex Relationships in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fortescue Metal Group for Market Position - A Case Study

Question: Describe about the Fortescue Metal Group for Market Position. Answer: Introduction In this case study Fortescue Metal Group, an iron ore company and its position in the market is analyzed. The case study begins with the informational background of the company, its nature of business and its competitive analysis. The mission and vision statement of the company is developed considering its goals and values. the framework of the company is analyzed on the basis of five force model by Porter and what are the competitive factors for the company. Analysis of companys capabilities and resources is done to evaluate it strength and weakness. SWOT analysis of the company is done and potential threat remedies are suggested. Introduction of the company Fortescue Metal Group is amongst the largest iron ore producer in the world. The company focuses on extension of iron ore. It laid its foundation in the year 2003 in Western Australia. Since its inception it has invented and fabricated some of the colossal mines in the world. Chichester Hub and Solomon Hub are the main areas where the company operates its mining activities. The company is also associated with port supply chain and rail operations to assist in the progress and revenue generation from the left out iron ore bodies (Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG.AX), 2016). Nature of Business Fortescue Metal Group is in Mining industry with net income generation in the year 2014, $2,740,000,000 (Fortescue appendix 4e financial year ended 30 June 2014, 2014). Competitive Position in the Market The group is the worlds fourth largest iron ore producer and contributes significantly in the total 15% of the global production generated from Australia. FMG only operates in Australia and has its contracts with Chinese steel mills. Its competitors Rio Tinto, Vale do Rio Doce (Vale) and BHP Billiton are domineers of the market. Rio and BHP also have their operations established outside Australia. Under the competition laws infrastructure of FMG has not been declared as open network and is also not subjected to government regulations unlike its competitors BHP and Rio, this provides them with an added cost advantage (Our Business, 2016). Mission Statement To deliver the premium value reliably to the shareholders, customers, employees and community in the mining industry by revolutionizing natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development. To become the new force in iron ore. Vision Statement To utilize our mining expertise in attaining economic advantages by developing reserves and creating partnerships along with becoming a company that adds value to the global natural resources and values people, passion and the planet. Five Competitive Forces The Five forces model identifies and analyzes the forces that are faced in the business. It is a tool that assesses the strength and weakness of a business and affects its development strategies. Bargaining Power of Suppliers- The sources of raw material and inputs are extremely crucial for a business. Suppliers enjoy a full power if theres a monopoly because of the uniqueness of the product, but this puts business in a compromising position. The suppliers can over charge the company, set their own terms and conditions. Because of the less options the business losses its bargaining power. It is suggested for the business to look for alternate resources and inputs, so that they have the powers to function in their own hands and are not controlled by the suppliers (Hill Jones, 2009). In mining industry suppliers who provide information technology, labor, equipments and power supply are in more dominant position. Power supply being the most essential and there are only few suppliers in the mining areas so it does not give much bargaining power to the company. The company usually has long term contracts with the fuel and power suppliers. Skilled labor is also one such aspect where the bargaining power of the company is compromised because of lack of availability and complex miming process requires training which incurs cost. The supplier power in the industry is moderate because the market is competitive. Bargaining Power of buyers- The business has to analyze the power that the buyers possess. If there are few buyers, the company would be dictated the terms by the buyer because they are few in numbers and would drive the price. On the other hand if there are large buyers available to the company, then the position of the company becomes strong and they can control the price and movement of the product. It also analyses the cost it would incur to convert a potential customer to an actual one (Schermerhorn, 2010). Buyer power in the industry is moderate, but in aspect of FMG, since it caters to the Chinese market and due to weaker demand because of GFC, the bargaining power of the buyer is strengthened. The pricing practices have also changed because of weak demand (Dr Cutcher, 2016). Competitor Analysis- analyzing the competitors strength and weakness and most importantly their USP. If the competitors offers the exact product then there is very little power in the hands of the business in controlling the price, but if the product of the competitor is inferior than the business can use this to its advantage. In the former case, the buyers use the variety and price differentiation to their advantage (Arline, 2015). FMG mostly caters outside Australia, but its major competitors Rio and BHP are the dominant players of the domestic market. There is intense internal rivalry in the market which is reflected by struggle to increase the market share and profitability. The company tries to cut down its operational cost and maximize returns by undertaking large scale operations (Dr Cutcher, 2016). Substitution threat- understanding the key components that how can your product is substituted in the market. If the substitution product is easy to generate, then the power of the product of the company is weak, but if the ability to substitute the product is difficult, then it gives the company and additional power to play a dominant role in the market (Porters five force of Competitive Position Analysis, 2016). The demand for iron ore is dependent on volume of steel production. It is only affected in a positive or negative aspect because heavy steel construction requires iron ore and there is not a substantial substitute available. This reduces the threat of substitution for FMG. Threats of New Industry Entrants If a new entrant enters the market, if makes an impact on the position of the company. If the entrance barriers are not strong then this may be a difficult situation for the company, as it may see increasing competition. On the other hand if the barriers are stringent then the company may enjoy this leverage (Porters Five Forces: Assessing the Balance of Power in a Business Situation, 2016) Barriers to enter the market are high because of large capital requirements. To execute operations acquiring mines on lease or purchase involves hefty capital. FMG does not have a threat because firms with limited financial assets will not enter such market. Bargaining Power of Supplier, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Competitors Analysis are prominent force for FMG. The bargaining power of the suppliers is moderate because to operate the site, heavy power supply is required, in which FMG has limited options in the choice of supplier. Skilled labor and heavy equipments also pose a problem. Power of Buyers is high because FMG caters to Chinese market and due to global economic slowdown the market has not undertaken the heavy steel construction to an upscale level; this puts FMG in a compromising position to reduce the prices and continue to be in the market. Internal rivalry and competition with international market is also another force. There is intense competition in the mining industry and FMG has not even captured a major share of it. Its competitors are strong and big players and this pose a threat to FMG. The major Resources and Capabilities of FMG Capability in the mining industry largely depends on three factors- mines, port and railways. Mines- FMG operates on two sites Christmas Creek and Cloudbreak. Its third site is under exploration. The company forecasts that they have a target mining life of 20 years and could reach an annual production of 100 million tones with its major reserves being in the former two sites. The company has adopted a relatively new mining technique than its competitors, and also innovations in the machinery have helped them improve mining rates and increase production. Rail and Port- Significant development in these two have led FMG improve its performance. Loading 10 trains in a day at a rate of 12000 tons per hour at their cloudbreak mine has been a major development. Decision to open up the port facilities to third parties has been a historic decision made by the company. FMG is a strong player because it has the resources and capabilities to cater the market and become a dominant player in the domestic as well as international market. SWOT analysis for FMG Strengths of FMG lie in its developed infrastructure mines, rail and port. Strength of the company is the adoption of new mining technique and enhancement of machinery which helps them in improving their performance and caters to more demand. The company portrayed its character strength when they allowed its port Pilbara access to third parties. The integrated port and rail system improved FMGs ability to co-ordinate its distribution and supply more effectively and to develop a reliable and cost effective infrastructure. Weakness of the company is that the operations in Pilbara can be easily disrupted by the cyclone. The weather plays an important role in the operations and to reduce the risk the company has undertaken risk mitigation. Another weakness of the company is less bargaining power with the customer, due to GFC, the market has been in favor of the buyer, and they have power in controlling the prices. Opportunities for FMG lies in creating a space for itself in the domestic market like its rivals. To capture the dominated areas of BHP and Rio, FMG has to drive low cost at Solomon hub. FMG also has the potential opportunity to cater to the growing demands in the international market. Threats of the company are considerably changes in the market regulations and market drivers. Environmental changes also play a major role. Since this industry is largely dependent on technology, its advancement could pose as a potential threat. Companies working on low-profit margin can also pose problems (The rising threat of Substitution: mining metals, 2014). The prominent threat to FMG in the above analysis is technology. A company cannot constantly deal with technological advancements because it requires huge capital investments, to deal with this threat improving the business intelligence and planning strategies in advance could help minimize the impact of this. Investing in research and development is also another way through which this threat affect could be reduced. Another prominent threat is Environmental challenges, since one of its mining operations are in Pilbara, which is highly cyclone prone area, FMG management team has to focus on risk mitigation techniques to reduce the adverse conditions (Business risk facing mining and metals 2015-2016, 2016). Conclusion The mining industry shows traits of a monopolistic behavior but due to intense competition and rivalry it can be structured as oligopoly. Rio, BHP and FMG are key players of the market. FMG has improved operations and distribution techniques which give them an edge over its competitors, but it is yet to capture the major share of the domestic market like its rivals. FMG mostly caters to Chinese market and its plans to expand its customer base with all its technological advancements are in place. With its mine-rail and port infrastructure FMG aims to become the lowest cost producer of the iron ore in Pilbara. The company is relatively a new entrant when it is compared to the rivals, who are big market players. But the performance of the company in capturing the market on the international level and delivering to its commitments has proved that the company can fulfill its goal of becoming the low cost producer of iron ore in Pilbara. References Arline, K. (2015, February 18). Porter's Five Forces: Analyzing the Competition. Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from URL Business risk facing mining and metals 2015-2016. (2016) Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from$FILE/EY-business-risks-in-mining-and-metals-2015-2016.pdf Dr Cutcher, L. (2016). Fortescue Metal Group : the new force in iron ore. 8 September, 2016 from file:///C:/Users/Abasus%20Solutions/Downloads/935375_665220193_FMG%20(2).pdf Fortescue appendix 4e financial year ended 30 june 2014. (2014). Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from URL Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG.AX). (2016). Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from URL Hill, C. Jones, G. (2009). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. [Online]. Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from URL's%20five%20forcesf=false. Our Business. (2016). Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from URL Porters five force of Competitive Position Analysis. (2016). Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from URL Porters Five Forces: Assessing the Balance of Power in a Business Situation. (2016). Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from URL Schermerhorn, J. (2010). Exploring Management. US : John Wiley Sons Inc. The rising threat of Substitution: mining metals. (2014). Retrieved 8 September, 2016 from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay Example

Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay This essay will foremost specify what favoritism is and what it means to know apart against something. It will so explicate what it means to know apart against person or a group in societal work pattern. This will be a really wide definition that encompasses a assortment of different service user groups. Examples will be used to show what favoritism may look like in societal work pattern and mundane life. To derive a better understand the essay will critically research theory and thoughts around power and how power manifests between groups. This portion of the essay will touch on the thought of othering . The essay will utilize societal constructionism theory to analyze this construct of power. We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The essay will so concentrate in on mental wellness. This portion of the essay will foremost look at what a mental wellness job is and research the stigma of being labelled with a mental wellness job. The essay will so travel deeper to concentrate on how the western medical theoretical account can know apart against Black and Ethnic Minority groups ( BME ) , even if indirectly. The essay will so critically research why BME grownups, peculiarly work forces, are overrepresented in the mental wellness service. Links will be made to institutional racism and the fact that BME kids are underrepresented in kid and adolescent mental wellness services ( CAMHS ) . In in broadest definition, to know apart agencies to distinguish or to recognize a differentiation ( Oxford Dictionaries 2012 ) . In this wide sense it is a portion of day-to-day life to know apart. For illustration, an grownup may know apart between lanes on a expressway and a babe will frequently know apart between a alien and their health professional. Discrimination becomes a job when the difference or recognised differentiation is used for the footing of unjust intervention. This is the favoritism that societal workers need to be argus-eyed for. Discrimination is non ever knowing ( Thompson 2009 ) and there are assorted types of favoritism ( EHRC 2012 ) . Discrimination can be direct, indirect, based on the perceptual experience that person has a protected feature or discriminate against person who is associated with a individual who has a protected feature ( EHRC 2012 ) . The Equality Act ( 2010 ) besides aims to protect people with a protective feature ( s ) from exploitation, torment and failure to do sensible accommodations ( Home Office 2012 ) . Thompson s ( 1997 ) PCS theoretical account demonstrates that favoritism is non ever on a personal degree and it is non merely entirely down to the person. I will return to the PCS theoretical account subsequently on in the essay. Social workers act as mediators between service users and the province. Social workers are in a function that can potentially authorise or suppress ( Thompson 1997 ) . For this ground Thompson ( 1997: 11 ) argues that good pattern must be anti-discriminatory pattern . All other countries of pattern could be superb and the societal worker could hold really good purposes but if the societal worker can non recognize the marginalised place of some of the people they are working with their intercessions could potentially farther oppress ( Thompson 1997 ) . Thompson ( 1997 ) reminds the reader many times throughout the book that If you re non portion of the solution you are portion of the job . I choose to include this because it reinforces that societal workers need to dispute favoritism and take action against it. To accept it and to non swim against the tide does so do us portion of the job. Where does discrimination come from and why do people, establishments and systems know apart against people? This portion of the essay will critically research the construct of power and societal constructionism in relation to favoritism and societal work. Power is defined by Haralambos and Holborn 2000: 540 ) really slackly as the ability to acquire your ain manner even when others are opposed to your wants . This is of class a really simple definition of a complex construct. There are many theoretical accounts and theories around power. Thompson ( 1998: 42 ) identified a common subject of the ability to act upon or command people, events, processes or resources . These common subjects of power all have the possible to be used destructively in societal work. Social workers have the ability and power to act upon and command, whether this is on an single personal degree or as a gate keeper of services or agent of control. Social workers need to be cognizant of power as they work w ith people who are marginalised and powerless in comparing ; people who societal workers could potentially suppress and even worse, maltreatment. Giddens ( 1993 ) makes close links between power and inequality. EHRC Equality and human rights commission. , 2012. [ Viewed 2012.11.10 ] What is favoritism? [ online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // Giddens, A. , 1993. Sociology ( 2nd erectile dysfunction ) . Cambridge: Civil order Haralambos, M, Holborn, M. , 2000. Sociology subjects and positions. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Home Office. , 2012. [ viewed 2012.11.11 ] Equality Act 2010 [ on-line ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // Oxford Dictionaries. , 2012. [ Viewed 2012.10.19 ] Discriminate [ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // q=discriminate Thompson, N. , 1997. Anti-Discriminatory pattern ( 2nd erectile dysfunction ) . Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Thompson, N. , 1998. Promoting Equality disputing favoritism and subjugation in human services. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd Thompson, N. , 2009. Rehearsing societal work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Technological Play and Touch Technologies among children

Technological Play and Touch Technologies among children The world has changed into a technological world. Most parts of the world have endorsed technology. Approximately 71 percent of children have also endorsed technology significantly (Yelland, 2010). Children access information through technological devices in the form of videos, text and pictures. This aims at equipping them with the needed technological knowledge in the present and the coming future. Most expectedly, there have been many linear impacts that emanate from the prevalence of technology amongst the children.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Technological Play and Touch Technologies among children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More We note that when youngsters acquire and use the techniques of information technology, they attain knowledge in education through easier access to information. Microsoft software designed with the objectives of achieving a lot in the present educational and technological terms enha nced easier and neat working in education. Fast access of information is a factor operating through the internet, which halved the time required for certain achievements. Availability of reading material is a precise facilitation to the success of children. The retention of knowledge and development of cognitive skills, therefore, lies on a greater proportion on technology (Verenikina et al, 2010). As Puerling (2012) suggests, children with electronic devices can access and attain information from the internet anywhere without using library. This allows children to check education materials repeatedly, therefore, allowing them to understand. Technology has devised ways which when controlled refresh children and warrant proper physical development and mental stability (Bavelier et al, 2010). Socialization networks create space for children and allow them to interact. The use of technology amongst children has aggravated the level of immorality by allowing them to access pornographic materials, violence and information on drug abuse. It, also, consumes much of the time meant for their education and other activities. Social sites also induce negative peer pressure leading to negative behavioral change. I, thus, recommend that use of technology should be encouraged but at the same time controlling its scope and time of use. References Bavelier, D. Green, S. Dye, M. W. G. (2010). Children, wired: For better and for worse. Neuron Perspective. 67 (5): 692-701. DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.08.035. Puerling, B. (2012). Teaching in the Digital Age: Smart tools for Age 3 to Grade 3: Multi-touch mobile devices bring the world to our fingertips. St Paul, USA: Redleaf Press.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Verenikina, I., Herrington, J., Peterson, R. Mantei, J. (2010). Computers and play in early childhood: Affordances and limitations. Journal of Interactive L earning Research, 21 (1): 139-159. Yelland, N. (2010). New technologies, playful experiences, and multimodal learning. High-tech tots Childhood in a digital world. North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Should Accounting Rules be Global Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should Accounting Rules be Global - Essay Example The multinational companies have been required following the systems and accounting standards followed in the various economies of their operation for the preparation and reporting of financial statements. The companies have also faced difficulties in explaining their financial position to the investors due to the difference in the accounting systems in different countries that reflects various financial situations of the business (Basu, 1997). A globalized accounting system requires the establishment of harmonious accounting standards such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that can help the users of accounting information to apply the same rule during preparation and interpretation of the accounting information. Various companies have gradually engaged in the establishment of "accounting standards that can be applied in more than one country" (Heidhues & Patel, 2012, p. 39). Some of the factors that influence the accounting system of the economy could be broadly categorized under the country’s historical origin, socio-economic demands, culture, institutional environment and many non-accounting factors such as values and beliefs (Gaffikin, 2007). These factors are different for every country. Also, the accounting systems of the countries vary from one another. The recent cause of suggestion for establishment of uniform accounting standards has been the expansion of businesses into the international economies (Gaffikin, 2007, p. 3). Having uniform global accounting standards will help businesses to compete effectively and compare the performances of affiliate businesses across the globe using standard information. The variation of accounting standards has affected number of sectors of the economy that require harmonization of accounting standards to make them operate smoothly (Zimmerman & Werner, 2013, p. 117). The operation of capital markets is affected by accounting principles since

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2012 Movie Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

2012 Movie Critique - Essay Example The movie, that was released on November 13, 2009, has been produced by Harald Kloser, Mark Gordon and Larry Franco, and the executive producers include Roland Emmerich, Ute Emmerich, and Michael Wimer. Written by Roland Emmerich and Harald Kloser, and starring some of the very talented actors of the time, John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Woody Harrelson and Danny Glover, 2012 takes us to an exotic ride where our minds give birth to many questions and enjoy the discovery of many answers at the same time. The synopsis section of Sony Pictures Digital Inc. (2010) states that, â€Å"Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. ‘2012’ is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.† This report tends to critically analyze different elements of the movie. The thesis statement is that t he Hollywood and the entire entertainment industry can expertly and creatively interpret science, history and archeology to produce an astounding artifact that can excite the whole population making them defer their skepticism for some time. Let’s explore the movie and its filmic elements to find out how much the movie collaborates with our thesis statement. Storyline Critically analyzing the storyline, it must be said that it is quite asinine. However, the disaster scenes are hilarious. The story begins with Dr. Adrian Helmsley, who belongs to an international geophysical team, examining the effect of radiation from exceptional solar storms on earth. During his investigation, he learns that the earth’s temperature is rising. He informs the President about the earth’s conditions and warns him that if he does not take proper measures to stop the anticipated damage, the whole mankind will be ruined with the disaster that is expected to come with the heating up of the earth. Jackson Curtis, a writer, comes up with the same information after he meets Charlie Frost on his camping trip to Yosemite. Charlie Frost is shown preaching that the world is heading towards its end as predicted by the Mayan calendar. World’s leaders from industrialized countries are shown building four massive arks with billions of Euros to save their wealthy families from the approaching disaster instead of thinking about common people. They have no idea how their arks will survive the doom if the catastrophe is the prophetic prediction. No sooner than later, strong volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and sun storms converting into tsunamis, surround the planet creating havoc all around the humankind. The movie ends showing the recession of the tsunamis merging all continents. The survivors include Adrian, Laura, Jackson and his family. Acting The cast of 2012 contains some of the best actors that have made the story look like real. The cast includes John Cusack as ' Jackson Curtis', Amanda Peet as 'Kate Curtis', Chiwetel Ejiofor as 'Adrian Helmsley', Oliver Platt as 'Carl Anheuser', Thandie Newton as 'Laura Wilson’, Danny Glover as 'President Thomas Wilson', Woody Harrelson as 'Charlie Frost', Tom McCarthy as 'Gordon Silberman', Liam James as 'Noah Curtis', Morgan Lily as 'Lilly Curtis', Zlatko Buric as 'Yuri Karpov', Johann Urb as 'Sasha', Chin Han as 'Tenzin', and Beatrice Rosen as 'Tamara'. Since, the movie focuses more on the disaster and the pulsating catastrophic scenes, the acting comes at a secondary position. While watching the movie, we actually do not care what the rate of acting is. We focus more on the

Monday, November 18, 2019

A Report on the High Cost of College Education in America Essay

A Report on the High Cost of College Education in America - Essay Example 9 October, 10, 2011. Dr. Morgan Bill Joint University students’ union Washington, CO 456007 Dear Mr. Houston: The union is submitting this report, due October, 10, 2011, that was requested by the education ministry. The report is entitled the High cost of College Education in America. The purpose of the report is to inform the stake holders in the education sector on the high cost of college tuition in America which has become a source of discouragement for students who would like to have a high level of Education. It further emphasizes on the need work on the lowering of the cost of college tuition. The content of this report centers on the price of college education which is not equivalent to future salaries and is not worth all loans and credits acquired to fund education. Any questions concerning this report can be sought by contacting Mr. Morgan Bill, the union secretary, at 453-6897. Very truly yours, Morgan Bill, Secretary General. Executive summary The cost of college education in America has over years increasingly gone too high. High tuition fee charges in colleges is now proving to be the biggest problem facing college students, parents and sponsors. In this hard economic time, students and parents are now struggling a lot sourcing for funds to meet this high cost of tuition fee. This has ranged from sourcing school loans from banks and including selling of property assets to fund education. This trend has negatively impacted on the concerned parties to an extent where students have almost lost hope for a better future. One very strong negative impact that has so far been noticed is the discouragement it has had on the students undertaking various courses in various universities. It is quite clear from studies conducted by this team that on completion of college education individuals who graduate hardly get well-paying jobs that match the cost incurred while in college. Moreover, a greater percentage of the little money earned from these jobs end up being used to repay the loans that were borrowed during school days leaving a minimal percentage for investment. This therefore renders a larger population of the newly employed and young hustling for their entire life. From these insights it is therefore paramount to consider the cry of the large young population and consider a thorough review of the entire fee payment systems in colleges with intent of lowering its cost for the benefit of the future generation. Methodology A sampled group of about 40 students from sampled universities and colleges in the United States of America were interviewed with a view of getting background information from the affected groups. Similarly, various employees who had just completed training was sampled and interviewed. The method selected aimed at collecting data that will enable the researchers identify the problem and propose potential solutions. Findings The cost of college tuition for many colleges has over time become so expensive. T he price for college studies has neither equated the future salary of those taking the courses nor has it equal the loans and many credits being spent on tuition fees. It is therefore imperative to present this report as a means of passing a message of discontent and outcry facing parents and students who pay dearly to get valuable education (Heller, 2001). The biggest problem for millions of people living in America while joining a college or university is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Different aspects regarding abortion

Different aspects regarding abortion Everyone has different aspects regarding abortion, when a fetus is determined to be a human or a human being and when or why someone should or should not have an abortion. In this paper I hope to open your eyes to the Pro-choice argument of abortion and why maybe it should be considered the womens choice and not to be determined by other opinions and views. There are several different arguments of when a fetus can be or should be considered a human or a human being. Pro- choice arguments do consider a fetus a human or they would not have an argument on abortion, but the question is when is a fetus considered a human being? What makes us a human being is the ability to be a recognized member of society. There can be no meaningful social participation or social acceptance for someone still living inside anothers body. Fetuses do not have a social identity, because of the fact that even names are not determined until after the birth and certification of a birth. Society simply places infants in a higher social value then fetuses, which is embedded in our history, culture and society. Some cultures babies arent deemed socially acceptable until later in life. The human species is estimated to have killed 10 to 15 percent of its born children.The point in life when one can be considered a human being is determined by social customs and social norms. Babies have not established a social identity as some older children or adults, because of their undeveloped human abilities and potential. Pro- Life arguments have completely different views. Pro-life are more of the religious side of abortion and why women should not abort a child. They determine that an embryo is a human as soon as the womens egg is fertilized with the sperm. Whether or not it does not have a heart beat or a functional brain, which is the determining factor that one is considered to be alive. The typical meaning of human being is a physical body of an acceptable size and shape with common dimensions; early embryos do not have similarities that define us as human beings.Zygotes and embryos are barely visible to the naked eye and have no bodies, brains, skeleton, or internal organs. Fetuses do not breath or can make sounds, they are not seen unless through ultrasound. They absorb nourishment and dispose of waste through an umbilical cord and placenta, not a mouth and anus like all other human beings. A early human fetus is almost indistinguishable as such and if put next to a dog or other animal fetus cannot be recognized as human. The brain is not yet able to have conscious thought, memory and doesnt develops a personality until after birth and social integration. But our complex brains are what set us apart from animals and define us as human beings. The brain is the seat of personhood.So how could one determine that this completely dependent cell is a human being? Pro-life advocates like to demand legal rights for fetuses. There is no support for fetuses as legal persons in international human rights codes. In almost all national constitutions fetuses are not treated as persons or humans. American citizenship is granted to those born in the United States (as per the 14th Amendment) and the word Everyone in the Canadian constitution has been deemed by the courts not to include fetuses. A Gallup survey taken in November 2009 suggest that 48 percent consider themselves pro-choice and 45 percent consider themselves anti-choice, compared to 42 percent pro-choice, 51 percent anti-choice in May 2009.This new research shows numbers close to the historic average, with a small majority of voters supporting choice: 51 percent believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases; 44 percent believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. Pro choice views also vary in not only social class and ethnicity but also in the age of the social class. For example 59 percent of young people—support a pro-choice position, 8 points higher than the overall average. Some of this difference may be an artifact of the difficulty of adequately representing the views of young people in landline surveys. In this research, the sample includes interviews among young people from landlines, cell phones, and the web, which better captures a diverse and increasingly mobile population. Youth reached through landlines are more likely to be married, own a ho use, and have started their own family, and less racially diverse, often resulting in a more conservative political outlook. Regardless of the views of society or the laws of human rights of a fetus, women will have abortions by any means they can. Whether they break the laws or risks lives doing it abortions will still continue to happen. Even the ones who believe abortion is murder and believe it is morally and ethically wrong but have chosen to go through with an abortion with continue to have them. So ultimately it has to be the womens choice and her moral conscience that will help her make these decisions. Thats why the decision should be left up to the pregnant women, and we should help provide safe, legal ways to have abortions. Ultimately, the status of a fetus or whether one wants to have an abortion or not is a matter of societys opinion, and the only opinion that should count is the opinion and decisions of the pregnant woman.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stimulus/Response Versus Input/Output Theory: An Orientation to the Syntax of Scientific Literature :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Stimulus/Response Versus Input/Output Theory: An Orientation to the Syntax of Scientific Literature There appears to be a steady desire within the scientific and lay community to explain events which occur in the universe in a concrete absolute fashion. This most likely extends from an unconscious (or conscious) need to control the world around us. Such control can give a sense of security regarding our future. If we can explain why events happen, we can attempt to predict when and for what reason events will precipitate sometime in the future. Being able to predict the future leads to a greater feeling of security and control. However, it has been shown through decades of research that behavioral events are not predictable. Researchers tend to conclude that if they are to truly understand behavior then they must be able to develop a system which allows them to forecast the occurrence of certain behavior patterns. Conversely, if they are unable to state consecutively when and why a pattern is presented then they have failed to understand the event. In order to retain a sense that the universe is orderly the unpredictable results are often explained through the fault of the experimenter, that adequate control was not kept over the experimental situation. Through the Harvard Law of Animal Behavior ("under carefully controlled experimental circumstances, an animal will behave as it damned well pleases.") these "failed" experiments are incorporated into a succinct postulate which allows for the exploration of reason and desirability of such unpredictability (1). Through lectures, reading, and World Wide Web research done during the current semester I am moving from a stimulus/response theory to an input/output theory. The stimulus/response theory let experimenters believe that the unpredictable behaviors (responses) they had observed were due to inadequately controlled stimuli. An input/output theory allows for, and seems to rest on, the fact that many behaviors originate from the internal (spontaneous) generation of outputs. Internal origination is fundamental to many aspects of commonly observed behavior (biological clocks, innate endogenous rhythm, and other innate behaviors) and the presence of these behaviors seems to rest on something other then concrete stimuli from the external world. The syntax of many of the studies found on the Web leads me to conclude that these scientists are searching for an input/output behavioral system yet are unable to adequately document such a clear relationship. This inability most likely stems from the recently discussed phenomena of bidirectionality within and outside the most broad input/output box (Lecture, Bio 202).