Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wind Energy free essay sample

Renewable sources of energy Wind energy Wind Energy,  energy  contained  in the force of the winds blowing across the earth’s surface. When harnessed, wind energy can be converted into mechanical energy for performing work such as pumping water, grinding grain, and milling lumber. By connecting a spinning rotor (an assembly of blades attached to a hub) to an electric generator, modern wind turbines convert wind energy, which turns the rotor, into electrical energy. writing service in linux Because  wind  is  a  clean and renew able source of energy, modern wind turbines had been installed in 26 countries by 2007, including such nations as Germany, Denmark, India, China, and the United States, to supplement more traditional sources of electric power, such as burning coal. Design improvements such as more efficient rotor blades combined with an increase in the numbers of wind turbines installed, have helped increase the world’s wind energy generating capacity by nearly 150 percent since 1990. We will write a custom essay sample on Wind Energy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Windmill,  machine  that  converts wind into useful energy. This energy is derived from the force of wind acting on oblique blades or sails that radiate from a shaft. The turning shaft may be connected to machinery used to perform such work as milling grain, pumping water, or generating electricity. When the shaft is connected to a load, such as a pump, the device is typically called a windmill. When it is used to generate electricity, it is known as a wind turbine generator. Besides  milling  grain and irrigating farmland, windmills developed from the 15th century to the 19th century were adapted to a variety of tasks, including pumping seawater from land below sea level, sawing wood, making paper, pressing oil from seeds, and grinding many different materials. By the 19th century the Dutch had built about 9000 windmills. In 2006 the United States became the world’s third largest producer of energy from wind power, generating more than 11. 5 megawatts of electricity. Wind Energy System Components Modern  wind  energy  systems consist of three basic components Tower Improvements  in  structural design and construction materials have led to the construction of taller towers, allowing rotors to be mounted farther off the ground, where winds are typically stronger. Wind turbine towers, which house the cables that conduct electricity from the generator through the base of the tower, can be constructed from metal, reinforced plastics, and concret [pic] [pic] [pic]

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